Magento SMS extension
Order Notification via SMS
What is the Magento SMS extension?
Bring the convenience of SMS customer service, branding and marketing to Magento, with our Magento SMS extension. It has been developed from scratch up to provide the final (as in ultimate) SMS solution for merchants seeking to both integrate and extend the power of Magento to their mobile strategies.

Features of the Best Magento SMS Order Notification Extension
You are looking for a Magento SMS Extension that can
- Work with Magento Multi Store and Magento Multi Website
- Send automatically notifications to your clients' mobile.
- Make sure that you have valid contact number
- Have configurable SMS per Magento transactional template
The smooth integration of Magento SMS Extension into Magento makes it look and feel like SMS was always an integral part of Magento.
Feels Like Native Magento
The smooth integration of Final SMS Pro into Magento makes it look and feel like SMS was always an integral part of Magento.
Multi Store and Multi Website
Multi store & multi website configurations are fully supported, with unique SMS templates and sender IDs per website and store view.
Collect Mobile Numbers on Sign-Up/Checkout
Instead of relying on a "maybe" entered mobile number in the address field, Final SMS Pro collects the mobile number from the customer on sign up or first order. It is fully configurable per store view whether a mobile number is mandatory or not.
Make Sure You Have a Valid Contact Number
The registration validation/verfication by mobile & mobile number validation/verification features can send your customers a validation code at registration, even before the registration actually takes place. This ensures you are able to contact your customer at any time on his mobile, if you should need to do so, and also prevents the use of an invalid mobile number or that of third person..
Automated and Custom SMS Sending
It can send transactional SMS, like the transactional Emails, known from Magento, and custom SMS, which you can schedule to any customers and backend users.
You can actually see this in action in the Backend Demo.
Configurable SMS per Transactional Template
You can setup SMS messaging for any transactional message (Email), which Magento can send. The SMS editing takes place on the same page as for Email templates - No additional steps needed.
Integrates With Any Extension
Extensions which use the Magento template system to send Emails, are ready to send SMS's.
Schedule and Send Individual Messages
You can send custom messages to all customers of a website, a customer group, a single customer or to all your backend users (staff), either a group or an individual.
All this can be scheduled to a specific time.
Maybe time zones came to your mind now since you run several websites for different regions in the word. Do not worry - Final SMS Pro knows. 8 o'clock will be 8 o'clock (For your customers in that time zone), whatever time zone is configured for the particular store.
Just Smart
Final SMS Pro is a smartened application that provides a highly convenient experience - For you and your customers.
If the customer enters a local (non international) number, a selection will appear, where he can choose his international prefix. Preselected is the configured country for your website.
When editing SMS's, Final SMS Pro shows message statistics and counts multi SMS messages respectively. Unicode languages are automatically detected and handled adequately. Setting the correct number of characters per SMS (different for Unicode), for correct cost calculation.
On order updates (Incl. invoicing, shipping and credit memo), it will show a preview of the actual SMS, incl. the comment your staff writes.
Smarter: Template Variables
Final SMS Pro knows about the lengths of the actual data of the template variables. The length of the SMS will accordingly be calculated on template editing. The lengths can be set in the backend for each variable. Final SMS Pro can calculate and set the needed lengths for the most valued variables, like customer and store frontend names.
Always shows the exact size of the SMS which will be sent, just on template editing. No worries about cropped messages, cropped customer names or lengthy messages.
Import Current Customer Mobile Numbers
Final SMS Pro can scan your current customer database for given mobile numbers in the address field and import them.
Currently this does not apply for numbers from USA and Canada, as USA and Canada do not use specific mobile operator prefixes. Therefore it is impossible to determine whether it is a landline or mobile just by the number's prefix.
We will provide a solution to this with the next release.
Supports Extended GSM Characters
Extended GSM characters (€ { } \ [ ~ ] | ^) need 2 characters each, which Final SMS Pro already counts correctly while editing.
Supports Multi Part SMS
Final SMS Pro handles multi part SMS (Also called long or concatenated SMS). Incl. Unicode.
Full Unicode Support
For Unicode, Final SMS Pro shows 70 characters per message on message entry. It also shows the correct number of needed SMS's for multi part messages, which allow 67 characters per SMS for Unicode.
Message Log
The extensive logging always shows you what got sent, when and to whom, incl. the actual text message.
Delivery Reports
The support for delivery reports of gateways via a callback URL tells you if an SMS actually got delivered to your customer's mobile.
Always within your budget
Know your actual costs: Totals (History, Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily) are shown in the message log, and per message.
Magento: Compatible with Magento from version to the latest
Checkout extensions: Compatible to any custom checkout extension to collect the customers' mobile number on checkout registration. Like One Step Checkout, GoMage LightCheckout, etc.