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Incident on Cloud infrastructure (PVE014 down)

Scheduled on 05.05.2017 07:57:00 Status Resolved Fault / Issue

Our monitoring says that PVA014 crashed.
Our techicians have been assigned on the problem.
We will update you as soon as the problem is solved.

Related servers / services

- cpanel054.web.boxis.net

Date Action
05.05.2017 10:01:00 There was a degraded snapshot for the primary disks of pve014. The snapshot prevented disk restoring operations (and might have been a main cause for the pve014 crash). We are now working on parallel repair vdisks and restoring the impacted VMs on a other
05.05.2017 16:21:00 All files system are up and running. Only server cpanel054.web.boxis.net that has the DATA partition that has a lot of degraded sectors. We are creating a new partitionning and restoring all the websites.